COVID-19 Information for Workplaces


As Organizations recognize it’s their duty of care and legal responsibilities to Health and Safety and the Environment (HS&E) where reasonably practicable to establish, implement, maintain and provide, a safe and healthy environment in preventing work-related injuries and/or ill health for the health, safety and welfare of employees, contractors, guests and visitors who may be affected by the conduct of their operations. Organizations must ensure that employees, members, the public and other persons are not placed at risk. This includes identifying risks to health or safety associated with potential exposure to COVID – 19 pandemic and taking measures to control these risks.

Finally, as Organizations return to work from months of lockdown, this introduces significant safety risks. Mitigating those risks requires context-specific safety planning. And that’s not all. COVID-19 safety maintenance measures will have to be ongoing for the foreseeable future. Workplace Risk and Compliance Solutions can assist your Organization in addressing COVID-19 risks and will ensure that Organizations have all of the tools they need to protect their people from the COVID-19 threat.

Our policies and procedures take into account context-specific capabilities to prepare workplaces (best-practices and guidelines), to protect workers (welfare tracking, health surveillance, temperature reporting), and manage potential infections (guidelines for positive tests, simple worker contact tracing, and worker case management and individual return to work plans) will help ensure a safe workplace, as well as a brisk business recovery from COVID-19 disruptions.

The following tools are free to download;

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