Our Health & Safety Services

We offer a comprehensive range of services, planning, risk assessment and reporting.


Health and Safety Management Systems (HSMS)

Implementing and maintaining health and safety systems. An effective health and safety management system is of great benefit to businesses or persons conducting a business in aiming to achieve their health and safety obligations be it under the national Work Health and Safety or the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety legislation.

Incident Reporting & Investigation Process

The purpose of any organization’s Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure is to set out and define the requirements for all incidents to be reported and investigated with preventative and corrective actions implemented to eliminate or minimise the risk of harm and prevent future occurrences.


Emergency Response Planning

All businesses have a responsibility, so far as reasonably practicable, under the relevant Model Work Health and Safety or Victorian legislation to eliminate or minimise hazards or risks that may negatively impact the health, safety or wellbeing of workers or others at the workplace.

COVID-19 Information for Workplaces

Organizations must ensure that employees, members, the public and other persons are not placed at risk. This includes identifying risks to health or safety associated with potential exposure to COVID – 19 pandemic and taking measures to control these risks.

Is your workplace prepared for an emergency because the consequences could be catastrophic?